Monday, March 8, 2010

ANTI SEMITISM By Jayne Gardener

What exactly is anti-semitism? The oft-repeated Jewish claim that anti-semitism is simply an irrational hatred of Jews based solely on their Jewishness seems a pretty wild accusation on the face of it, and one that can’t be logically and reasonably defended without indicting all Gentiles on charges of insane and unjustifiable hatefulness.

What possible reason could there be for people to hold such an irrational and preposterous hatred for people of a particular group, especially if that group had never done anything to earn their ire? To reasonable people these claims would appear to have very little merit, unless you want to make a case for Gentiles being hateful lunatics hell-bent on displaying enmity towards the poor, innocent little Jew.

This concept flies in the face of all reason and logic. What purpose would Gentiles have for hating Jewish people only because they are Jews? It makes absolutely no sense. And yet, despite the sheer and utter lunacy of the claim, it is made frequently, with Gentiles usually assumed to be the guilty party.

Over the years, historians have made several attempts to explain so-called anti semitism by claiming it was due to Jewish economic success or due to their complicity in the death of Jesus Christ. Some believe it is because of their “chosenness” and many other reasons. Personally, I believe that these aren’t reasons at all, but excuses that those of the Jewish pErsuasion come up with to keep people from figuring out exactly what “anti-semitism” really is.

And what is it, exactly?

I have to be honest and say what I know to be true. Anti-semitism is not an irrational hatred of Jews by Gentiles. It’s a rational and reasonable response to Jewish behaviour in their host countries.

Is it so hard to believe that when you behave in destructive ways you are going to earn the enmity of the people you live among? Jews have been expelled from over 79 countries over a period of about 1,700 years, according to historians. Does it make any sense that they would be expelled for no other reason than their Jewishness, or does it seem likely that some of the responsibility for the expulsions should be placed squarely on their shoulders?

If you move into a new neighbourhood and your new neighbours take an intense disliking to you, it might be that you have moved into an area where the people are not very friendly. However, if you have moved 80 times or more over the period of a lifetime and always incur the hostility of your neighbours, I think it would be safe to assume that the problem rests with you.

Another example might be a man arrested, tried and convicted of a crime which he swears he didn’t commit. It might be that a person could be wrongly convicted, no criminal justice system is perfect. However, is it likely that you will believe that a man has been convicted 79 times and that he’s innocent in every single case? Of course not. It defies all logic and reason.

Therefore, why would it be reasonable to assume that Jewish persecution in 79 or more countries over a period of close to 2000 years was the fault of the host country and not due to anything the Jews may have done? It is an almost laughable concept and one no rational person would accept.

Over the years, in every society, Jews have behaved in essentially the same way. They seek to degrade the culture, they engage in less than honest business practices, including usury, they push for social engineering by way of radical movements, they gain control of the majority of the wealth and they have an almost complete monopoly on the media and the dissemination of news.

That’s the only way they’ve been able to get away with it for so long. They control what we see, hear and read. No wonder they’ve been able to shield themselves for so long in our society, always operating under the radar, but as usual,  they are once again overplaying their hand until there is a backlash against them, giving them another opportunity to claim perpetual victimhood status and blame Gentiles for their predicament.

Isn’t the very definition of insanity to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result? Obviously they don’t pay attention to history and seek to amend their behaviour, or they would stop doing what they’re doing to prevent further “persecuton.” However, it seems likely that they are simply incapable of changing their behaviour and so, history repeats itself and the Jews end up winning the enmity of the non-Jewish population.

Today in America is no different. Once again they control the majority of wealth in this country and they have a monopoly on the media and the dissemination of news. They attempt to degrade the culture with their disproportionate representation in the pornography industry, their defilement of art and literature, their perverse celebration of deviancy, violence, graphic sex and foul language on television and in the movies we pay to see.

They seek to destroy traditional marriage and the nuclear family by way of the radical homosexual movement and the feminist movement and propogandize and brainwash us to accept them both.

They try to deplete our numbers through the advocacy of birth control, abortion and euthanasia.

They use their control of the media to mock and defame the majority religion in this country and have worked tirelessly to have it removed from our schools and from the public square. They deliberately dumb down our educational system in order to create a generation of functional illiterates who will be too stupid and too malleable to fight against those who seek to destroy them.

They use the “Holocaust” to engender a collective guilt in us and to manipulate us into not recognizing or ignoring their nefarious machinations. And for those of us smart enough to recognize it, they advocate hate crime legislation that has very little to do with actual hate crimes per se, but are merely an effective way to silence their critics, under penalty of legal prosecution.

They commit “false flag” operations in order to convince a trusting and gullible population that it’s in their best interests to go to war in the Middle East, not to fight for the best interests of America and its people, but for the best interests of Jews and Israel. They control Congress and the President and they will bring down the American empire by way of endless war, the exact same thing that caused the sun to eventually set on the British Empire.

As we speak, young men and women are dying overseas in a war for Israel. The treasonous Neo-Cons in the Bush administration have conspired with the Israeli lobby to entangle America in wars that can’t be won and has no benefit for the world or her citizens.

Despite their desperate attempts to hide the true rationale for the war, and their collusion in covering up another “false flag” operation that served as a catalyst for the current Middle East conflict, they have not succeeded, and more and more citizens are speaking out against the travesty in Iraq and their fervent hope that there will be no war with Iran.

Is it reasonable to expect that the people who know what’s happening, and are quite aware of who is responsible for it, will keep silent and not alert the rest of the people in an attempt to warn them of the eventual outcome if the Jewish supremacist agenda is realized?

Does it make sense that rational people who understand what’s going on and know which group is behind it would remain kindly disposed towards their enemy?

Of course not. If Jews feel put upon and discriminated against and hated, perhaps they should at least be honest enough to stop blaming it on unreasonable and irrational hatred on the part of Gentiles and instead, examine Jewish behaviour throughout history to see a long line of nefarious, underhanded and contemptuous behaviour that would explain and excuse the animus directed their way.

What did they expect to happen in Germany prior to the war, when the German people, who were still struggling to survive under the extremely punitive terms of the Treaty of Versailles, were dealt another blow when the Jews declared economic war against Germany, causing her collapse and forcing even greater hardship on the citizens who lost everything they had, only to see it snatched up by Jews who acquired it at a mere fraction of its former value?

Does anti-semitism seem a legitimate response to the horror that was perpetrated on the people of the former Soviet Union in the name of Communism? It seems a perfectly justifiable response to hate the Jews with every fibre of your being when you have been deprived of the fruits of your labour, intentionally starved and sent to Gulags to face impossible odds against long term survival.

How could the Russian people not hold great anger and hostility towards the people who inflicted this horror on them? And unlike the Jewish suffering in the “Holocaust,” there are not a host of centres and museums devoted to their suffering, nor are there a myriad of books, television programs or movies. Their suffering has never been truly acknowledged and no remorse expressed by the people responsible for it.

I shudder to think of the backlash and anger directed at Jewish supremacists when the true extent of their duplicity and treachery is exposed for all to see. And if there is, will there be the usual cries of anti-semitism directed at those who wish seek to hold them responsible? Since that is the case almost every time they are criticised for their trickery and disloyalty, I will predict that the answer is a definite yes.

Jews have, throughout history, behaved in ways that are damaging to their host countries and due to that, it would seem perfectly reasonable for many people to hold some animosity towards the Jewish community, especially in light of the human misery they have caused and continue to cause.

Anti-semitism doesn’t exist, in reality, at least not in the way they claim. No one hates Jews simply because they are Jewish any more than people hate the black race simply because of the hue of their skin. They are hated by many because their behaviour, both past and present, has been egregious, heinous and has usually entailed a large degree of callous disregard towards human suffering.

If Jews are hated, it’s because they have laboured long and hard to earn that hate.

Jews need to stop laying the blame for their perceived persecution at the foot of the Gentile and be honest enough to admit that they behaved in ways that created less than charitable feelings towards them by the citizens of their host countries. It’s a sane and healthy reaction to hate those who hurt you and seek to destroy you.

It seems ironic to me that Jews would constantly make claims of anti-semitism against their detractors, when there is ample and easily obtained empirical evidence of their Talmud-inspired hatred of Gentiles and Christians, and yet they are never called on the carpet to answer to the charges of anti-Gentilism. Why is it always assumed that the hatred flows one way, and that only one group is ever completely guilty while the other is only ever completely innocent?

Invoking their past suffering is no longer going to work, especially as their lies, exaggerations and complete fabrications with regard to the Holocaust become widely known. Eventually, they will push Gentiles too far by overplaying their hand yet again, and when that happens, and the response is to expel them, or worse, they will, of course, fall back on their standard excuse for everything, their suffering and victimhood at the hands of Gentiles.

But no one will buy it this time.

The Jews themselves have removed all meaning from being called an anti-semite. It has been so overused that it no longer creates the sting it used to when it’s hurled in your direction, because now you really understand it. It’s not about actual hatred aimed at Jews for no reason, it’s simply a smear tactic to silence those who expose them for what they are.

They will continue to fling it at their detractors in an attempt to muzzle them, because they can’t allow their duplicity and treachery to be exposed for all to see.

So if someone wants to label me an anti-semite because I see what’s going on and will not be silent about it, they can go ahead and hurl whatever invective they wish to throw in my direction. If exposing Jewish supremacist perfidy for the evil that it is makes me an anti-semite, then I will embrace it.

I will continue to work tirelessly to expose their anti-gentilism and hatred towards non-Jews and rest easily in the knowledge that I have done my best to expose the greatest threat we face as a people.

It’s not Islamic terrorists we need to fear, despite the hysterical fear-mongering.

Jewish supremacy is the enemy.

It always has been.

Friday, February 19, 2010


So far criticism about this FACT has ranged from:
a) This is a lie - the usual Jewish response to facts which may detract from their own sense of persecution.
b) The Jews were only involved to a limited extent
c) This is anti semitic
d) The source material is flawed and this is despite the fact that in the book "The Secret History between Blacks and Jews", the historical sources used are entirely Jewish!


SO WHERE IS THE JEWISH COMMUNITIES' OUTCRY ABOUT THIS? They have been surprisingly quiet on this particular point or shall we await the usual manipulative response "This is not true, These soldiers were not Jewish?" - These proclaimations despite the fact that the author of the book Dr Bryan Mark Rigg - educated at Cambridge) is in fact .... Jewish!
"The Lives of Hitler's Jewish soldiers" by Bryan Mark Rigg


Monday, February 15, 2010





Many of us who are aware of the Jew, know all to well how he acts in general unison and conformity in dealing with Gentiles in a "deceitful and arrogant emotionally destroy Gentiles.." What Mrs. Friedemann wrote has to be taken with a grain of salt considering she is ethnically Jewish. What she says applies to ALL Jews, and not just Zionists. She is, notably, more liberal with her use of the word Jew in her description, no doubt this is a result of her renouncing her Jewishness, but still it must be pointed out that she is focusing too much on Israel and using the term "Zionist" instead of Jew in some instances.

I know there are many out there who still don't fully understand the Jewish Problem in it's entirety, and would gladly invite anti-Zionist, ethnic Jews who have renounced their Jewishness into their circles. Even I once felt it necessary to have trophy Jews that I admired and quoted, but that phase passed quickly for me as I truly started to understand the Jew.

So can there be a good Jew?
A simple answer is no, not really. If there was such a category, Karin Friedemann might belong to the small list, along with Norman Finkelstein and Bobby Fisher. Especially considering that her husband, Joachim Martillo is quoted as saying "Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have no choice but to renounce being Jewish and serve the anti-Zionist struggle (right now)." But the reality is, Jews are fundamentally different then all other Gentile peoples. Throughout the ages, we see that Jews harbour disproportionate amounts of deceit, and hostility, while maintaining a seemingly uncontrollable drive to destroy Gentile people, and civilization by whatever means possible. This can be attributed to mental disorders, or vice, versa, but whatever the case, history speaks for itself.

So when it comes to Jews, such as Karin Friedemann, I have no problem using their quotes in debates, agreeing with some of their points, or even referring people to them, but today I understand that a Jew is a Jew, and cannot be trusted if you truly wish to battle the Jew, and his destructive philosophies.

Sunday, February 14, 2010



"These tactics are not restricted to critics of Zionism. As one who has experienced a barrage of hostile email from my faculty colleagues, I can certainly attest to this. One quickly notices that assertions of the legitimacy of white identity and interests will also result in a barrage of hostility. This despite the fact that support for racial Zionism is strong throughout the entire Jewish political spectrum (see below). A correspondent sent me the following recently:

I have encountered many liberal, politically correct Jews who react vociferously (almost violently) to the most innocuous comments about any topic related to Israel or Jews. One Jew upon my mentioning that my wife and I had been to Russia spent several minutes virtually frothing at the mouth about Russians. Another upon hearing me say I was sympathetic to the problems of the Palestinians demanded to know who I was and how dare I say such a thing. Often zero tolerance for any difference in opinion.

The media constantly present images of Jewish suffering—most recently the endless glut of Holocaust movies. But the media ignore instances, such as the early decades of the USSR and now in Greater Israel, where Jews have inflicted horrible suffering. Right now I am reading E. Michael Jones’ The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Effect on History. It is striking to read his account of Jewish violence against non-Jews in the ancient world, particularly the persecution of Christians whenever Jews had the power to do so. Long before Christians had any influence on Roman policy, Christians’ complaints about Jews were not stereotypes based on historical memory but resulted from direct experience with Jews: “Origen understood that Jewish calumny helped to cause Christian persecution, and that Jewish hatred was a fact of life for the Christians, continuing unabated after the repeated defeats of Messianic politics” (i.e., the defeats of Jewish rebels at the hands of the Romans in 70 and 135 ad) (p. 69). This is the basis of my concern on what will happen to whites when Jews become part of a hostile elite in white-minority America.

Non-Jews absorb these media images and as a result feel inadequate, emotionally intimidated. Eventually they identify with the aggressor, much like a browbeaten hostage or, as Friedemann suggests, an abused spouse. Or they maintain their friendships but studiously avoid talking about anything related to Israel. Non-Jews do the bidding of their “inner Jew” because they have internalized images of Jewish suffering. They therefore aid and abet Jewish brutality and aggression.

Non-Jews who persist in criticizing the organized Jewish community are threatened with loss of livelihood and social ostracism. As I noted in a previous article the organized Jewish community does not believe in free speech. It is important to keep in mind that when Jews were dominant in the first decades of the Soviet Union, the government controlled the media, anti-Semitism was outlawed, and there was mass murder of Christians and the destruction of Christian churches and religious institutions.
As Friedemann notes, the situation is nothing less than a sign of serious mental health issues for the mainstream Jewish community: “Most Zionists are functional schizophrenics.”
I think this is what happens when people who deal with Jewish issues finally realize that there is no hope for dialogue and begin to think of what to do next. Honest people finally realize that when it comes to critical issues like Israel and multicultural America, the divisions among Jews are an illusion. (Friedemann herself has renounced her Jewish identity.) As Friedemann’s husband, Joachim Martillo, notes, “Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have no choice but to renounce being Jewish and serve the anti-Zionist struggle (right now).”

Exhibit A for this right now is the murderous Israeli invasion of Gaza. We know (see, for example, John Mearsheimer’s article in The American Conservative) that this invasion occurred after a prolonged period when Israel restricted supplies into Gaza and then attacked tunnels between Gaza and Egypt. We know that the invasion was designed to “to inflict massive pain on the Palestinians so that they come to accept the fact that they are a defeated people and that Israel will be largely responsible for controlling their future.”
The tone of Mearsheimer’s article suggests a dramatic shift in attitude where the usual inhibitions on public discourse are finally beginning to fall, even for a respected academic:
There is … little chance that people around the world who follow the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will soon forget the appalling punishment that Israel is meting out in Gaza. … [D]iscourse about this longstanding conflict has undergone a sea change in the West in recent years, and many of us who were once wholly sympathetic to Israel now see that the Israelis are the victimizers and the Palestinians are the victims.

The gloves are coming off. This is what happens when smart and honest people who work hard to get the scholarship right are nevertheless smeared as anti-Semites guilty of the vilest misdeeds. Not surprisingly, Abe Foxman — a premier defender of the racial Zionist status quo in Israel — devoted an entire book to smearing Mearsheimer and Walt. Quite simply, there is no point to talking to such people or taking seriously what they say about us.

We know that the government of Israel is firmly in the hands of the racial Zionists — followers of Vladimir Jabotinsky and his view of the racial distinctiveness and superiority of the Jewish people. Indeed, the only question in the Israeli election is which brand of racial Zionism will form the next government. One knows that racial Zionism has completely won the day in Israel when Kadima — the party of Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni and the Gaza invasion — is now described by Benjamin Netanyahu as the party of the left. (The LA Times dutifully calls it “centrist” but, as Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery writes, Livni “cries to high heaven against any dialogue with Hamas. She objects to a mutually agreed cease-fire. She tries to compete with Netanyahu and [Avignor] Liberman with unbridled nationalist messages.”) Indeed, Netanyahu’s only worry is that the openly racist Liberman — a disciple of the notorious Meir Kehane — will take away too many votes from Likud.
The situation is analogous to a US election where Pat Buchanan is the candidate of the far left. (I can dream.)

Avnery analogizes the election to a joke where a sergeant tells his men: “I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you are going to change your dirty socks. The bad news is that you are going to exchange them among yourselves.”

Once again we see at work the general principle that within the Jewish community, the most extreme elements carry the day and pull the rest of the Jewish community with them. As I noted in "Zionism and the Internal Dynamics of Judaism," "over time, the more militant, expansionist Zionists (the Jabotinskyists, the Likud Party, fundamentalists, and West Bank settlers) have won the day and have continued to push for territorial expansion within Israel. This has led to conflicts with Palestinians and a widespread belief among Jews that Israel itself is threatened. The result has been a heightened group consciousness among Jews and ultimately support for Zionist extremism among the entire organized American Jewish community."

The fanatics keep pushing the envelope, forcing other Jews to either go along with their agenda or cease being part of the Jewish community. Ominously, if elected, Netanyahu promises that a top priority will be "harnessing the U.S. administration to stop the threat" of Iran's nuclear program.

Incidentally, E. Michael Jones (The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Effect on History, p. 42ff) has expanded this argument to the ancient world. He shows how the Jewish community was pulled in the direction of fanaticism by the Zealots who expelled the followers of Jesus from the synagogue and adopted a disastrous path of revolution against Rome, leading ultimately to the defeats of 70 and 135 a.d.

A good example of the schizophrenia described by Friedemann comes from the fact that around 80% of American Jews voted for Obama but around the same percentage blames Hamas for the escalation of violence and believes that the Israeli response was “appropriate.” These results of the poll on the Gaza invasion were proudly announced by Abraham Foxman of the ADL, an organization that is one of the principal forces in promoting a post-European America. The Jewish left is a pillar of multi-cultural America but strongly supports racial Zionism in Israel.

This same schizophrenia was on display at a recent presentation at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles by Chris Hedges and Mark Potok — he of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The program dealt with the usual bogey-men of the organized Jewish community: Christian fundamentalists, skinheads, David Duke, and (I am gratified to report) The Occidental Quarterly. In a comment on the alliance between Christian conservatives and Zionists, an audience member mentioned (to stifled applause) that “There are Jewish fascists.” But the moderator, Ian Masters, saved the day when he stated that “the vast majority of American Jews are secular and liberal” — a comment that brought much applause, presumably because it reassured the many Jews in the audience that they weren’t like THOSE Jews. For his part, Potok, that stalwart warrior against white America, expressed his support for what he sees as a beleaguered Israel on the verge of apocalypse at the hands of the Arabs. Schizophrenia indeed.

The politicians who are running Israel are, if anything, more racialist and nationalist than anything even remotely on the horizon in American or European politics. As Avnery notes:
In every other country, Liberman’s program would be called fascist, without quotation marks. Nowhere in the Western world is there a large party that would dare to advance such a demand [to annul the citizenship of Arabs]. The neo-fascists in Switzerland and Holland want to expel foreigners, not to annul the citizenship of the native-born. …

When Joerg Haider was taken into the Austrian cabinet, Israel recalled its ambassador from Vienna in protest. But compared to Liberman, Haider was a raving liberal, and so is Jean-Marie le Pen. Now Netanyahu has announced that Liberman will be “an important minister” in his government, Livni has hinted that he will be in her government, too, and Barak has not excluded that possibility.

The optimistic version says that Liberman will prove to be a passing curiosity. … There is also a pessimistic version: Fascism has become a serious player in the Israeli public domain. The three main parties have now legitimized it. This phenomenon must be stopped before it is too late.

So I have a suggestion for the Foxmans, the Potoks, the neoconservatives, and the secular Jewish liberals of the world: If you want to fight racism and ethnic nationalism, start in your own backyard. And my suggestion for the rest of us is to get rid of what Friedemann calls the “inner Jew.” I know it’s hard to do. But once you tune out the screaming hostility (and assuming you don’t fear losing your job), it’s easy. Just don’t expect a pleasant or rational conversation".


In a recent article by Karin Friedemann, who is an anti-Zionist, ethnic Jew, she renounces being a Jew, due to Jewish attitudes toward Gentiles and their corresponding mental health issues.

"American Jews are actually being trained since childhood to interact with non-Jews in a deceitful and arrogant manner, in coordination with each other, to emotionally destroy Gentiles and Israel critics in addition to wrecking their careers and interfering with their social relationships. This is actually deliberate, wicked, planned behavior motivated by a narcissistic self-righteous fury….

The problem is that Gentiles are taught through emotional pressure and violence via the media and the school system to be very sensitive to Jewish suffering so when a Zionist becomes outraged at them for challenging their world view, the Gentile really has to fight against his own inner self in a huge battle against his "inner Jew" making him feel inadequate and intimidated. But the Jew doesn’t care how much he or she hurts others. Jews only care about what's good for the Jews. …

I once reduced a 50 year old man to hysterical sobbing tears because I told him gently and lovingly that Jews were not that unique. I just told him the Jews, like everyone else, have had good times and bad times. Times when they were slaughtered and other times when they slaughtered others. Just like everyone else. Guess what he did next. He emotionally abused me in an insulting way and then cut off all further communication. Jewish behavior is so predictable that it's truly scary. …

If you mention cutting off the money or if you mention the possible compromise of living with Palestinians as equals in one state they become very angry and start using bullying tactics, unless they have some reason to fear you, in which case they shun you and complain about you to the authorities, try to get you arrested or try and destroy your career or social status through character assassination. …

Zionists all believe in the myth of "1000 years of Jewish suffering" and feel that the world owes them compensation for their ancestors' "unique" suffering. It's a criminally insane viewpoint. They cope with the contradictions between their belief that they are the good guys and what Jews are actually doing to their neighbors, both in the Middle East and in the US, by developing mental health issues. Most Zionists are functional schizophrenics. "






Monday, February 8, 2010


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Ian Black, Middle East Editor The Guardian, Monday 21 December 2009
Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families – a practice it said ended in the 1990s – it emerged at the weekend.
The admission, by the former head of the country's forensic institute, followed a furious row prompted by a Swedish newspaper reporting that Israel was killing Palestinians in order to use their organs – a charge that Israel denied and called "antisemitic".

*Well they had to throw in the antisemitic part didn't they - that statement is part and parcel of all Jewish discourse. The term is probably taught at birth*


If you are one of those who missed out on the killing of six million Jews reported by some NY newspapers in WWI or six million Jews that were allegedly killed in WWII, there is still time to get your reservation in for the six million to be killed soon.
The Death of Israel
By: Dick Morris & Eileen McGann
From Caroline Glick, deputy editor and op-ed writer for the Jerusalem Post, comes alarming news. An expert on Arab-Israeli relations with excellent sources deep inside Netanyahu's government, she reports that CIA chief Leon Panetta recently took time out from his day job (feuding with Nancy Pelosi) to travel to Israel to "read the riot act" to the government warning against an attack on Iran.
Six million jews live in U.S. and six million jews live in Israel. Fancy that. But, no matter how many times the "forces of ultimate evil" "kill 6 million jews" there always seem to be twice as many around afterward to make noise about it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010



The problem of the Jewish community can be summed up in one Hebrew phrase - BOKHIM VE-YORIM - the syndrome of "crying and shooting".


The following was written in 1985 by Jack Bernstein, an American Jew who was consequently assassinated by the Mossad for exposing Israel.
Before Israel became a state in 1948, Jews worldwide were filled with Zionist propaganda that Israel would be a homeland for all Jews, a refuge for persecuted Jews, a democratic country and the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
I am an Ashkenazi Jew who spent the first 25 years of my life in the United States, the country that has given ALL Jews freedom and the opportunity to prosper — and prosper we Jews did, to the point that one portion of the Jews (the Zionists) have gained a position of political and economic dominance in the U.S.
To fully understand the story I am about to tell, it is important that you understand what Zionism really is. Zionist propaganda has led the American people to believe that Zionism and Judaism are one and the same and that they are religious in nature. This is a blatant lie.
Judaism is a religion; but Zionism is a political movement started mainly by East European (Ashkenazi) Jews who for centuries have been the main force behind communism/socialism. The ultimate goal of the Zionists is one ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE ZIONISTS AND THE ZIONIST-ORIENTED JEWISH INTERNATIONAL BANKERS.


The Israeli Prime Minister's office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors" at nearly a million' (extract from The Holocaust Industry by Norman G. Finkelstein of the City University of New York, published by Verso, London and New York, 2000, p.83).
Statement by:
University of Ulster
December 5, 2005
"I've checked out Churchill's Second World War and the statement is quite correct - not a single mention of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.
Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and De Gaulle's three-volumeMémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages.
In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war."


1. In 1939, there were nearly 15,700,000 Jews in the world. After the Second World War that number had risen to over 18,000,000 Jews. What this means is that of the 15,000,000 original Jews on the planet, 6,000,000 were gassed, leaving only some 9,000,000-plus. Then, the world Jewish population rebounded and doubled to over 18,000,000 in less than nine years—an astronomical feat, which astounded biologists and baby doctors everywhere!
2. From the Beginning, there was the SIX MILLION, of which 4,000,000 were gassed at Auschwitz. Then, in 1990 it was discovered that only 1.5 million were gassed at Auschwitz, a difference of 2.5 million less. But somehow the magical SIX MILLION remained, even though no instant replacement was ever found. YHWH moves in mysterious ways!
3. At the same time, the director of the Auschwitz State Museum Dr. Franciszek Piper, announced that the so-called gas chamber there had been fabricated by the Soviets AFTER the war!
4. But there's more. The International Red Cross reported that less than 300,000 internees of all nationalities in the German camps died of all causes, including old age.  And of these, barely more than half were Jews. Most of these died in several typhoid epidemics caused by wartime conditions, which claimed many lives—including those of doctors, nurses and camp administrative personnel!
5. But even these deaths were too much for the German authorities. On December 8, 1942, Heinrich Himmler, chief commandant of all detention facilities, issued an order stating categorically: "The death rate in the camps must be reduced at all costs."
6. In all of German-occupied Europe there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews claimed "survivor" benefits from the German government. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.
7. It was a miracle. According to The New York Times of Sunday, January 4, 1987, celebrated survivor Elie Wiesel recalled "the day the Soviets arrived at Auschwitz." Then, in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington D.C., reported by the Jewish Telegraph Agency on April 11, 1983, he had a different recollection. He noted that he was "one of the survivors liberated at Dachau by the U.S. Army" on April 15, 1945—and thus became the only prisoner of war to hold the distinction of being liberated from two different camps in World War II!
8. Not to be outdone by The Weasel, famous "Nazi-hunter" Simon Wiesenthal died serenely at age 96, knowing that, according to BBC News, he had survived 12— 'em!—Nazi "death camps."
9. In 1948 a story appeared about a hapless Jewish girl who was done in by the Nazis. It was written with a ballpoint pen, something that did not appear on the market until after the war. It was called— "The Diary of Anne Frank"!
10. So where did this SIX MILLION business start? For that we must go back to one Ilya Ehrenburg, chief Soviet propagandist during the Second World War who coined the mystic number on Dec. 22, 1944—BEFORE tens of thousands of Jewish internees, given the choice of staying to be "liberated" by the Communists or going with their German captors, did not hesitate to choose the latter option!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010



At the European Parliament, during a conference against “Denial”, Lady Renouf asks for proof, one single proof, of “the Holocaust”

Speech excerpts below
Thank you, Madam Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

This conference is entitled “Denial and Democracy”. There is surely only one way to combat “denial” in a “democratic” context – by not instituting debate-denial across Europe but instead by providing documentary evidence to disprove the deniers’ case. Two weeks ago Benjamin Netanyahu based his address to the United Nations on evidence – so-called industrial WMD construction blueprints – which had been rejected as spurious by Jewish experts such as Prof. Van Pelt, who went so far as to say “the deniers are having great fun because it shows how people are gullible”. These same documents held up as proofs by Netanyahu were in fact first discovered and published in 1976 (as proof of the normality of gas chambers thus labelled for disinfecting clothing) by the veteran revisionist Professor Robert Faurisson!

Can this expert conference succeed where Netanyahu failed? Can this conference send us away with one – just one – clear item of documentary proof which confounds source-critical Holocaust revisionists? Or must we merely silence such sceptical voices with threats, fines and prison sentences and teach our school children debate-denial of normal historical source criticism? Have you seen the “Guidelines for Teaching about the Holocaust”? [holding up the Handbook cover] If I may I’ll quote from it: “Care must be taken not to give a platform for deniers ... or seek to disprove the deniers’ position through normal historical debate and rational argument.”

As a former lecturer at a university, I ask, please: Can the EU do what the UN did not and give us today one document upon which school children and their teachers can rely? For even the denial law does not define what is the unique industrial WMD for which denial of proof condemns citizens of Europe and beyond to sit for years in prison.


'It has always been those few who can see through the political correctness and hypocrisy of popular attitudes who are considered dangerous. "Holocaust denial laws" are now in place in about a dozen countries. Defenders of these laws claim that the expression of unconventional views about the Jewish genocide is "hate speech" and "incitement to violence" and therefore must be suppressed.

But history shows the greatest purveyors of lies, hatred and incitement to violence are those with the power to spread their poison by manipulating popular opinion via the control or complicity of the mass media. Through a purposefully constructed lens of political correctness the despicable becomes normal.

Monday, February 1, 2010


HOW TO TELL IF THE GOODS ARE ISRAELI - All major UK retailers sell Israeli goods, and most of them sell produce from illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Some have made statements in support of Zionism and some have contracts with Israeli companies.
There is a growing movement to boycott Israeli goods in solidarity with the people of Palestine and in line with an international call for boycott, divestment and sanctions.
Tesco stores stock a large amount of produce grown in the Occupied Territories and purchased from the Israeli state, including fruit and vegetables from producer Carmel-Agrexco. Israeli products stocked by Tesco include fruit juice, mangoes, avocados, grapes, stonefruit, dates, herbs, pickled cucumbers, Exquisa potatoes, mixed peppers (from Israel and a second country of origin), Barkan wine, Yarden wine, biscuits, cold meat, dips, Osem soups and cakes, snacks by Beigel; Beigel, Telma (soup mixes and cubes, noodles etc) and socks (Tesco's own brand).
Tesco sells products from illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, many of which are exported by Carmel Agrexco. The company admitted sourcing 'a number of products' from illegal settlements, including avocados, herbs, grapes and stonefruit, such as peaches, from farms in the West Bank and Golan Heights. In 2006 War on Want reported that Tesco sells Beigel and Beigel products sourced from the settlements. Tesco also sells gas cylinders for products made by settlement company Soda Club, and repackages settlement dates from Hadiklaim as Tesco own brand dates. Mehadrin-Tnuport Export Company (MTex) supplies Tesco with settlement citrus fruit and there are links between Tesco and the Arava settlement company.
Asda sells Israeli basil, tarragon, rosemary, sage, chives, dill, mint, thyme, passion fruit, mangoes, Blackfine plums, autumn red plums, medjoul dates, dragon fruit, pomegranates, avocados, organic sweet potatoes, sweet pointed peppers (red), sweet potatoes (“Georgia Jet”), frozen meat, biscuits, table wine (red, white, rose & sparkling), garden storage units and tinned grapefruit. ASDA also sells Carmel-Agrexco products (see above).
Since ITN's 2007 report, ASDA has made several statements denying that it stocks goods in its stores from the 'West Bank' (i.e. settlement goods). However, ASDA has recently made several ambiguous statements contradicting its earlier stance
Despite the Co-operative family of businesses' ethical image, the shelves of its supermarkets and high street stores have been found to carry Israeli products, including Carmel mangoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, sweet peppers (grown by Sulat), cherry tomatoes, herbs, passion fruit, Jaffa oranges and own brand tinned grapefruit.
Waitrose stocks Israeli basil, tarragon, thyme, lemon thyme, rosemary, chives, sage, oregano, mint, curly leaf parsley, 'Red Rosa' pears, sharon fruit, passion fruit, figs, lychees, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, grapes, strawberries, pomelos, pomegranates, galia melons, dragonfruit, organic medjoul dates, hadrawi dates, “Deglet Nour” dates, Cherry tomatoes, sweet potatoes, 'Pamino' peppers, 'Red Romano' peppers, mixed peppers, goods from the Tivall vegetarian food range, 'Food for Thought' snacks by Beigel & Beigel, cold meat, biscuits, dips and Dead Sea Magik cosmetics (found in John Lewis stores).
Waitrose has refused to enter into any debate about the sale of Israeli goods and its management has repeatedly refused to meet with campaigners

Sainsbury's sells Israeli oranges, grapefruit, avocados, strawberries, thyme, tarragon, parsley, coriander, rosemary, passion fruit, sharon fruit, 'Shelly' mangoes, mejdoul dates, lychees, fresh figs, plums, fruit juice, minneola (tangerines), potatoes ('Desiree', 'Vivaldi', 'Rooster', white, baking, baby, salad), sweet potatoes, peppers ('Ramiro'), pickled cucumbers, pickled olives, radishes, ‘Splendid’ flowers, 'Basics' flowers, 'Saveur Mediterranean' hummous, turkey, smoked chicken breast, Rumples party pretzels, Osem croutons, Telma chicken soup mix and soups, feta cheese, Tivall vegetarian food range, 'Food for Thought' dips, table wine (red, white, rose & sparkling), Kiddush wine and Yarden wine and Osem foods.
This extensive list includes many products from illegal Israeli settlements, including fresh lemon grass from the West Bank and Sainsbury's 'Taste the Difference' Pomodorino tomatoes. Sainsbury's stocks Hadiklaim dates labelled 'Made in West Bank' and products from Soda Club, which has an office based in the settlement of Ma'leh Adumin.
Somerfield sells both Israeli goods and settlement goods in its 880 stores. Apax Partners, an investment company with subsidiaries in Israel and which advises funds holding shares in Israeli settlement companies Tnuva, Agrexco Agricultural Export Company and Field Produce Ltd, has a majority of shares in Somerfield.
Historically, Marks & Spencer has made statements in support of Zionism. Lord Sieff, chairman and founder of M&S who died in 2001, made several statements in support of Israel’s military policies. In 1941, Sieff said that "large sections of the Arab population of Palestine should be transplanted to Iraq and other Middle-Eastern Arab States" (Jewish Chronicle, 21/09/1941). In 1990, Sieff, in a book entitled On Management: The Marks and Spencer Way, wrote that one of the fundamental objectives of M&S was to "aid the economic development of Israel."
There have been no reports of M&S openly showing ideological support for Israel since 2004. The retail company has repeatedly asserted that "[it has] no 'special' relationship with any government, political party or religious group" but accepts that M&S does "make representations to governments in support of [its] commercial aims." M&S management has not, to our knowledge, commented on Lord Sieff's remarks in support of Zionism and has not made a statement as to whether the current management stands by them.
When questioned in correspondence about the sale of Israeli goods in M&S stores in 2008, an M&S spokesperson said that the company buys "from Israel as… from 70 other countries…" and went on to state that the company would continue to do so. The letter continued to say that, "[w]e always put the country of origin on the products we sell. Where we buy Israeli products we label them as products of Israel."
M&S stocks Israeli grapes, lychees, figs, plums, dates, fresh herbs, sweet potatoes, potatoes (Maris Piper, Desiree, Jacket, Marfona, and King Edward). Many of these products are imported through Carmel-Agrexco, a company part-owned by the Israeli state.